I dragged out all of the Boyz for a scrap with some fine looking 'umies.
On my side are more Orks and some Chaos beakies.
We setup on an 8'x 12' table.
Da boyz representin'! A trukk line flanked by Stompas and Squiggy.
Some dirty Chaos sneaked in there somehow...
'Umies go first! Da filthy rats. How'd that happen?
Da Furst Ligne, advancing behind the Nobz (who are now walking thanks to their battlefortress
taking a steaming hot bath in burning cloud of gasses hotter than the sun - good thing
they have armor!) Artillery suppport moves up behind them.
One stompa's down, along with the battlefortress, but the other stompa and Squiggy move up to assault.
What the? A 'umie assassin jumps da Warboss. Blu'tung snips his face off.
Chaos demons show up out of nowhere....
Beakies. There used to be a lot more, until I dropped a rok on their 'eads!
Boss 'Eadbanga leads the suriving bikers into the fray.
YOu have to really watch those sneaky 'umie gits. They crawl in from everywhere.
Good thing my Ork ally had 'backup' - in the form of nine kans and a couple of dreads!
Da Red Baron screams into the fight! (Right over the AA guns)
Flyboy lines up his attack run. Right. He just mashes the buttons.
I had to loan that red and black titan to the enemy to make the fight fair.
Now I have to kill it.
Squiggy's dead! Typical. The table looks thin on our side, but it's not going badly.
Some smelly Slaaneshi demon set eyes on Warboss Blu-tung's prize. So, he raced him and
got there first! In one single attack, the 'umie tank was quickly turned into scrap.
What's with these demons running with my Warbosses? 'Eadbanga kills some death company...
Warboss 'Eadbanga takes on the Chaplain.
It was a fun game and we attracted a lot of attention for looking good.