Here is what I ended up with:
HQ: Warphead
HQ: Big Mek with KFF
Elite: Nobz mob on foot (!)
Elite: Meganobz
Elite: Lootas
Troops: 30 Slugga boyz
Troops: 20 Shoota boyz
Fast Attack: Deffkoptas
Fast Attack: Warbikes
Heavy Support: Deff Dread
Game One, vs. Nurgle Chaos Space Marines
The Slugga boyz pop the Rhino and expose the juicy middle...
My nobz reach the stranded landraider and destroy it as well.
A well-placed (lucky) rokkit from the dread does the same to the last rhino.
The Nurgle forces prepare to counter attack, but the game ends with my Orks victorious!.
Game Two, vs. Steve's Old School Orks
My boyz advance into the face of the enemy warband.
The slugga boyz make chop suey out of the opposing shootas.
Massive fighting and carnage between both sides destroys all of my boyz, and leaves few of Steve's.
Steve's massive battlewagon rams my dread...
...and destroys it. Oh well, I guess he's best...for now.
My Orks steal the first turn and move onto the battlefield.
Who's boyz are da best? Let's find out.
In a terrible stroke of luck, my Warphead deep strikes the Nobz just as they were about to destroy the center.